Saturday, July 17, 2010

Movie day + Karaoke day

Today we went to watch Predators with his and my bro..overall the movie was only ok...

Basically the movie was about some hardcore people such as mercenaries, murderers, sadistic ppl, grouped together and a long way home placed into the home ground of 'predators' to be set as preys... basically is about a hunting game.. i would give this movie about 2/5 popcorns..haha.. the ending sucks as

After movie we went for supper .. during supper bb was so frustrated... venting his anger about work, relations with my dad, his lobangs..etc..sigh, i wish i could do more for him...why am i so useless as a girlfren..moreover i keep worrying that one day as his rship btw him and my dad worsen, it will affect us no matter how he promise not to let the line cross.. i am not willing to lose him at all cos of all this.. but i can't help him..why am i so useless...????????????????????????

after tht we decide to go karaoke...i hope he can feel better too... Actually i really love to hear him sing... his voice always touches my heart.. but somehow...i forgot which song, but as he sang, my heart teared... i teared... his pain seems to be my pain..all of sudden tears just rolled down.. cry not becos of anything...cos i feel ur pain....

Thursday, July 15, 2010

next trip Gunung Pulai Waterfall

Gunung Pulai WaterFall @ JB

is in the Kulaijaya district, and can be accessed through the Kulai-Pekan Nenas road, which starts from the Kulai Exit of the North-South Highway. Visitors should ignore the first signboard welcoming them to the Gunung Pulai waterfall at Kampung Seri Gunung Pulai as that is still closed after a natural calamity there seven years ago. Drive about three kilometres down the road and watch out instead for a small, brown signboard with the words "Air Terjun Gunung Pulai II" written on it at ...

the meaning of love and being together...

a friend told me this:

"if u notice properly,(especially in pub), all our customers, the guys lar, all married d, but still having affair outside. so one day i ask this guy, why leh? he said: because my wife is just a wife, nothing more. so i ask: then what u prefer. he says: i prefer my wife to be a wife and my lover.
but what's the difference between this two? wife, is someone who take good cares of the family, but when they have kids, wife try to focus more on kids and neglected the husband, so everytime when he back home late, the wife will scold , without knowing that he's actually working hard for the family also "

I wan not only to be a good wife to Jiunn but also his best fren and lover... i can do it!

No more silly strong!

List of things to do

Today i have got some ideas..better write down before i forget...


  1. Cupcakes for 99th day for dear with his name on it
  2. hidden love notes in his wallet or room...
  3. 999 hearts
  4. Going massage together!
  5. Going on short trips
  6. Food spree!
  7. Movies
  8. Scrapbook of memories
  9. silly love sms
  10. Holidays!! Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong...
  11. surprise surprise! more surprises...
  12. looking through old photos
  13. introducing my frens!
  14. cook for him!!
  15. Play golf
  16. East coast part cycling SG5-6 for 2 hours
  17. ice-skating
  18. watch movies, dvds at home...
  19. Camping! Trekking! haha
  20. Badminton
  21. Karaoke!
  22. Bake his birthday cake!
  23. Hutan Bandar
  24. Desaru with dear and Rachel with her dear
  25. Roller blade at east coast!
  26. 1000 way to say i love u
  27. many many more!!!!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

My inner feelings

Yesterday i stayed over at Grandma's place.. i talk to my sis, shirley..about my struggles with my feelings, thinking something is wrong with me..

After talking with her, i felt so much better and realise that i am normal cos i have found my one true love, which explains all the weird reactions i have...

Fate let us meet, chance let our fate intertwine..forever, my love will be for u...and only you..黄建俊



Wednesday, June 23, 2010

23.06.2010 One Month Anniversary

Yesterday was our one month officially... i can say we've been through alot for just one month...seems like we've known each other for so long... easily blending into each other's lives..

Though we did not celebrate the one month, this day still holds special siginificance for me..

It's just a normal day.. the day before i sent uncle kwok n aunty robyn to airport so i didnt see him.. so yesterday i really wanted to see him desperately.. however no sms nor call from him..i got frantic.. afterall is our one month and its raining so heavily with floodings that i got worried..

lucky in the end is all misunderstandings... i'm quite surprised to the level of telepathy we have with each other...i can sense when he is down or in trouble or what he feels like eating ... it is not spt on all the time but it amazes me... yesterday i was so worried not cos i worry he go find some other girl..but cos he didnt reply anything at all..

after talking to him, i realise he was caught in the heavy rain, flooding and even a fallen tree!..scary... at least after seeing him, my heart calmed down...

dear dear..must take care and try to inform me on where u are at least..

at night we went for some vinegar pigs trotter, hokkien mee and chicken wings at Tebrau market..then we returned to his we ate very full, we cannot go to sleep immediately.. so we listened to some songs... i just shoot him some random questions like what color he likes.. and guess what he likes blue and me! haha..and he hates people telling lies.. as well as i could guess he hates doing household chores..hahahha.. amazing..

we even took some pictures using his new camera...haha...i want to post those pictures but he hasn't gave it to me yet..hehe..i must claim it quickly before he lose it...

after that we hug each other for a slow dance to the music... i guess a hugs says it all... those moments, are precious, the feelings we shared for each other flows out..... though we did not say 'i love u' that hug contains all those feelings... i wish time never moved... u feel the same as me?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Badminton + Movie

Today was a fun day... first we went toast n toast for some snacks and then went for badminton at DJsport near Perling bridge there... Badminton was fun.. we played with our brothers Chengjie and Jiannwei (Andy).. at least i could see dear was very happy.. he loves it when he can be with family.. Seeing dear smile is more precious than anything in the world..

After badminton we went to look at some second hand car.. then we went to the Italy cafe at Yew's in perling for a Father's day meal..hehe.... seeing everyone including JJ n JW enjoy makes me enjoy too..

Picture taken while waiting for my brother to fininsh his dental appointment:

Picture taken at the italian cafe:

Finally we decided to go watch A-Team at U-mall (Taman U).. hehe...was nice..and they had RM5 for senior citizen..was worth it and the movie was nice..

However, today i saw him in contact with Annie again... gosh.. i knew i was sad... i still mind that he is in contact with her.. i know he didnt want me to worry so he didnt tell me much about Annie... but i guess that is kind of bothering me.. Maybe i should be upfront to him about her?

Should i? her very existence still affects me.. and honestly i am scared..really scared to lose him.. really scared cos i don't know what place i have in his heart.. can i ever take the place she had before in his heart? i am scared..really scared.... who can help me in this?

But if this goes on, it will affect us.. if i get a chance alone with him, i will be frank with him, cos i no longer want her to come in between us.. i want to trust him completely... i want my love to touch and reach him...not engulf him in sorrow...

Please God, let us tide through this together as one... i have determined that his is the one for me.. i am not ready to lose him yet.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dim Sum @ kulai

Last night.. i was supposed to go home.. i didnt want to make the call..i have made up my mind, if he send me home i will accept..but he took me to his home instead... i guess our lonely souls just need each other...

The next morning, today i went with him to his office, then to kulai, we ate some dimsum there..not too bad..simple and good... after that he took me home..

I must be getting greedier..each time i'm apart from him, i want him even more..want to be closer want him to be totally i going crazy... i know i have to get used to this.. i can't sink any deeper.. slowly give me some time my dear.. i will get used to letting you go... this is our agreement and we should give ourselves some space... tomorrow i probably can't see you but i won't be sad.. i will find something for me to do....keep myself occupied..

dear dear.. i want us to last and for our future..i will be stronger...strong enough to support you..

Please know wherever u are..your baby is still here for you ..i'm just a phone call away...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Missing u...

Dearest 俊.. baby miss u so much... working yet can't work..keep thinking of u.. i know this is really bad but baby i just wanna let u know that i can't live without u... i need you, want u, love u, miss u...

bb must be so busy working now... dun wanna disturb post my feelings here.. wahahaha..

dear dear....tomorrow, can i stay at your house again? can i hug u to sleep? can i talk to u heart to heart again..

dear dear..i miss every second being with u...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Durian Festa

At first i was suppose to stay in Singapore.. Wanted to give him some space... haha..then he texted me asked if i could stay with him for the night.. my heart immediately said yes and i went back Malaysia..

We had a nice night together..eating Ikan Bakar and then Durians... The Durians weren't that fantastic but the joy of eating it with him makes everything so sweet. I love those moments..

Then again, sleeping in his arms and waking up beside him always makes me feel so warm at heart.. i can't live without him honestly..i'll be so lost.. love the feeling of hugging him to the feeling of feeling his body heat on it when he hugs me back... love everything about him...

Dear u love u XOXOXO...muacks!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Explore Singapore City Area

Today me and dear dear went on a trip to Singapore.. was fun... we had lots of good food and walked alot..poor dear dear..his leg hurts... *ouch*..sayang sayang... hehe..

We went to PC fair, walked around Suntec City and PC show @ Suntec Convention Centre, Went to the Esplanade... I guess the best part was the Esplanade view of the city... he loves it..and i feel happy...

i always wanted to go there with the person i love and enjoy it with him.. we talked about the future and the lives we want... i see a future in us.. but will it last...

After that we went back to his house and for the first time i officially stayed over at his hugged him to sleep and we slept peacefully and sweetly.. i nv felt so warm before..someone hugging me to sleep and nv let go throughout.. i love that his warmth, smell, touch..

Can't wait for the day we can officially say 'i do'...

Our first picture took together..and i love it so much..

love you my dearest..


Friday, June 4, 2010

SMS Frenzy

My dear dear wrote to me:


I am so touched by his words..hope it all comes true cos i have made up my mind and no matter what comes our way i will always be by his side supporting him!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The First Step..23.05.2010

Everything starts from today... 23.05.2010...

A special day, a special person...

Falling hopeless in love again... This time i don't think i can ever step out of it anymore...

The silly me and the happy him: Ooi Jiann Jiunn

Together finally...

We've known each other for many months already.. but we dare not approach each other... finally we get a chance to be together.. on that day we watch movie, i was hoping to tell him i like him, but in the end i held back... then we decided to go Singapore.. Strangely.. some force pulling us together... for the first time he held my hands... i like that feeling and i still miss it so much..the warmth... the love... the excitement..the racing heart.. never felt like this before.. he is a special person to me i knew it from the moment he held my hand... I am never gonna let go of this hand anymore..