Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Durian Festa

At first i was suppose to stay in Singapore.. Wanted to give him some space... haha..then he texted me asked if i could stay with him for the night.. my heart immediately said yes and i went back Malaysia..

We had a nice night together..eating Ikan Bakar and then Durians... The Durians weren't that fantastic but the joy of eating it with him makes everything so sweet. I love those moments..

Then again, sleeping in his arms and waking up beside him always makes me feel so warm at heart.. i can't live without him honestly..i'll be so lost.. love the feeling of hugging him to sleep..love the feeling of feeling his body heat on me..love it when he hugs me back... love everything about him...

Dear Dear..love u love u XOXOXO...muacks!

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