Wednesday, June 23, 2010

23.06.2010 One Month Anniversary

Yesterday was our one month officially... i can say we've been through alot for just one month...seems like we've known each other for so long... easily blending into each other's lives..

Though we did not celebrate the one month, this day still holds special siginificance for me..

It's just a normal day.. the day before i sent uncle kwok n aunty robyn to airport so i didnt see him.. so yesterday i really wanted to see him desperately.. however no sms nor call from him..i got frantic.. afterall is our one month and its raining so heavily with floodings that i got worried..

lucky in the end is all misunderstandings... i'm quite surprised to the level of telepathy we have with each other...i can sense when he is down or in trouble or what he feels like eating ... it is not spt on all the time but it amazes me... yesterday i was so worried not cos i worry he go find some other girl..but cos he didnt reply anything at all..

after talking to him, i realise he was caught in the heavy rain, flooding and even a fallen tree!..scary... at least after seeing him, my heart calmed down...

dear dear..must take care and try to inform me on where u are at least..

at night we went for some vinegar pigs trotter, hokkien mee and chicken wings at Tebrau market..then we returned to his we ate very full, we cannot go to sleep immediately.. so we listened to some songs... i just shoot him some random questions like what color he likes.. and guess what he likes blue and me! haha..and he hates people telling lies.. as well as i could guess he hates doing household chores..hahahha.. amazing..

we even took some pictures using his new camera...haha...i want to post those pictures but he hasn't gave it to me yet..hehe..i must claim it quickly before he lose it...

after that we hug each other for a slow dance to the music... i guess a hugs says it all... those moments, are precious, the feelings we shared for each other flows out..... though we did not say 'i love u' that hug contains all those feelings... i wish time never moved... u feel the same as me?

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