Thursday, July 15, 2010

the meaning of love and being together...

a friend told me this:

"if u notice properly,(especially in pub), all our customers, the guys lar, all married d, but still having affair outside. so one day i ask this guy, why leh? he said: because my wife is just a wife, nothing more. so i ask: then what u prefer. he says: i prefer my wife to be a wife and my lover.
but what's the difference between this two? wife, is someone who take good cares of the family, but when they have kids, wife try to focus more on kids and neglected the husband, so everytime when he back home late, the wife will scold , without knowing that he's actually working hard for the family also "

I wan not only to be a good wife to Jiunn but also his best fren and lover... i can do it!

No more silly strong!

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