Saturday, July 17, 2010

Movie day + Karaoke day

Today we went to watch Predators with his and my bro..overall the movie was only ok...

Basically the movie was about some hardcore people such as mercenaries, murderers, sadistic ppl, grouped together and a long way home placed into the home ground of 'predators' to be set as preys... basically is about a hunting game.. i would give this movie about 2/5 popcorns..haha.. the ending sucks as

After movie we went for supper .. during supper bb was so frustrated... venting his anger about work, relations with my dad, his lobangs..etc..sigh, i wish i could do more for him...why am i so useless as a girlfren..moreover i keep worrying that one day as his rship btw him and my dad worsen, it will affect us no matter how he promise not to let the line cross.. i am not willing to lose him at all cos of all this.. but i can't help him..why am i so useless...????????????????????????

after tht we decide to go karaoke...i hope he can feel better too... Actually i really love to hear him sing... his voice always touches my heart.. but somehow...i forgot which song, but as he sang, my heart teared... i teared... his pain seems to be my pain..all of sudden tears just rolled down.. cry not becos of anything...cos i feel ur pain....

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