Saturday, July 17, 2010

Movie day + Karaoke day

Today we went to watch Predators with his and my bro..overall the movie was only ok...

Basically the movie was about some hardcore people such as mercenaries, murderers, sadistic ppl, grouped together and a long way home placed into the home ground of 'predators' to be set as preys... basically is about a hunting game.. i would give this movie about 2/5 popcorns..haha.. the ending sucks as

After movie we went for supper .. during supper bb was so frustrated... venting his anger about work, relations with my dad, his lobangs..etc..sigh, i wish i could do more for him...why am i so useless as a girlfren..moreover i keep worrying that one day as his rship btw him and my dad worsen, it will affect us no matter how he promise not to let the line cross.. i am not willing to lose him at all cos of all this.. but i can't help him..why am i so useless...????????????????????????

after tht we decide to go karaoke...i hope he can feel better too... Actually i really love to hear him sing... his voice always touches my heart.. but somehow...i forgot which song, but as he sang, my heart teared... i teared... his pain seems to be my pain..all of sudden tears just rolled down.. cry not becos of anything...cos i feel ur pain....

Thursday, July 15, 2010

next trip Gunung Pulai Waterfall

Gunung Pulai WaterFall @ JB

is in the Kulaijaya district, and can be accessed through the Kulai-Pekan Nenas road, which starts from the Kulai Exit of the North-South Highway. Visitors should ignore the first signboard welcoming them to the Gunung Pulai waterfall at Kampung Seri Gunung Pulai as that is still closed after a natural calamity there seven years ago. Drive about three kilometres down the road and watch out instead for a small, brown signboard with the words "Air Terjun Gunung Pulai II" written on it at ...

the meaning of love and being together...

a friend told me this:

"if u notice properly,(especially in pub), all our customers, the guys lar, all married d, but still having affair outside. so one day i ask this guy, why leh? he said: because my wife is just a wife, nothing more. so i ask: then what u prefer. he says: i prefer my wife to be a wife and my lover.
but what's the difference between this two? wife, is someone who take good cares of the family, but when they have kids, wife try to focus more on kids and neglected the husband, so everytime when he back home late, the wife will scold , without knowing that he's actually working hard for the family also "

I wan not only to be a good wife to Jiunn but also his best fren and lover... i can do it!

No more silly strong!

List of things to do

Today i have got some ideas..better write down before i forget...


  1. Cupcakes for 99th day for dear with his name on it
  2. hidden love notes in his wallet or room...
  3. 999 hearts
  4. Going massage together!
  5. Going on short trips
  6. Food spree!
  7. Movies
  8. Scrapbook of memories
  9. silly love sms
  10. Holidays!! Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong...
  11. surprise surprise! more surprises...
  12. looking through old photos
  13. introducing my frens!
  14. cook for him!!
  15. Play golf
  16. East coast part cycling SG5-6 for 2 hours
  17. ice-skating
  18. watch movies, dvds at home...
  19. Camping! Trekking! haha
  20. Badminton
  21. Karaoke!
  22. Bake his birthday cake!
  23. Hutan Bandar
  24. Desaru with dear and Rachel with her dear
  25. Roller blade at east coast!
  26. 1000 way to say i love u
  27. many many more!!!!!!